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The Italian Cultural Institute in Osaka joins EUNIC Kansai


EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture – is the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations. Together with local partners, EUNIC brings to life European cultural collaboration in more than 100 countries worldwide with a network of 140 clusters, drawing on the broad experience of members from all EU Member States and associate countries.

In February 2024, the Italian Cultural Institute in Osaka joined the EUNIC Kansai cluster.

The EUNIC Kansai cluster was officially established in June 2022 on the initiative of Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Villa Kujoyama, Institut français du Japon – Kansai, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan. EUNIC Kansai aims to be a cultural bridge between the European Union and the Kansai area of Japan. It contributes to the connectivity of the cultural sectors in Europe and Kansai and the mobility of European and Japanese artists.

Many exciting events to come in Kansai!